
The Basics Of Cooking With Cannabis: How to Make THC-Infused Foods

If you're looking to cook with cannabis, you first need to understand the basics of decarboxylation. Decarboxylating your cannabis means activating the THC so that it can be absorbed by the body. If you don't decarboxylate your cannabis, you'll end up with a dish that doesn't have much of an effect. In this post, we'll walk you through the basics of cooking with cannabis and show you how to make THC-infused foods!

Decarboxylation is a process that can be done either before or during cooking. If you're going to decarboxylate your cannabis before cooking, you'll need to heat it in an oven at 240 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes. This will activate the THC and make it more potent. If you're going to decarboxylate your cannabis during cooking, you'll need to add it to the dish while it's cooking on the stovetop. The longer you cook the cannabis, the more potent it will become.

Once you've decarboxylated your cannabis, it's time to start cooking! Here are some of our favorite recipes that feature THC-infused ingredients:

- Cannabis-infused olive oil: This versatile oil can be used for cooking, baking, or as a salad dressing. Simply infuse your favorite olive oil with cannabis and you're good to go!

- Cannabis-infused butter: Butter is one of the most popular ways to infuse cannabis into food. It's perfect for using in recipes that call for melted butter, like brownies or cookies.

- Cannabis-infused honey: Honey is a great way to sweeten up any dish - and it's also a great way to consume cannabis! Add it to tea, coffee, or even use it as a topping on your favorite desserts.

We hope this blog post has helped you understand the basics of cooking with cannabis. Decarboxylation is an important step in making THC-infused foods, so be sure to do it before you start cooking! And if you're looking for some recipe inspiration, be sure to check out the recipes we've listed above. Happy cooking!

If you have any questions about cooking with cannabis or decarboxylation, leave us a comment below and we'll be happy to help!


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